Project Timeline
Here is a project timeline with a few important cornerstones of MULTI-ReUse:
Project months 12: The requirements for the service water are defined. Market analyses for chosen target countries are available. Design, construction and commissioning of the pilot plant has taken place and there is a first concept for an evaluation tool.
Project months 21: Development work of the pilot plant and a first data assessment for the sustainability study are completed, a new microbial monitoring procedure has been developed.
Project months 24: The demo mode of the pilot plant starts.
Project months 33: The demo mode of the pilot plant is finished and the results of the monitoring, including new monitoring methods, are evaluated. A selection of suitable tube materials for a non-potable water networks are available. A multi-dimensional tool for the sustainability assessment is available as well as the assessment of individual case studies. An export strategy for technologies has been developed.
Project months 36: End of the project, all results available.
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